Latest improvements 11-2017

New service tags

When creating a new service, you will have to add a tag to identify the type of service / product. This is useful to improve the network of connected companies in TuriTop. This way you can expand your business around the World easily.

Once you have chosen the “Type” of service, a new field will be visible “Booking Flow”. This is the way in which the reservation widget behaves. You can choose the one that suits you best.

New service tags

TuriTop API documentation

We have release the first version of the documentation for the API (Application Programming Interface) of TuriTop. This first version only covers some functions (Login, Check-in, check at products, check at events). By February 2018 we will expand many more features of the API to connect with third-party software.

With the API there are no limits. You would not depend so much on TuriTop and you could connect with any of the applications you use without having to wait for us to develop them. For example, you could connect with your billing software, send you an SMS every time a reservation is NOT completed, connect to the ticket sales machines of any reseller (hotels, airports, etc). The API gives you endless possibilities and we want you to take advantage of them.

Click here to read the API documentation

New permission: “Add bookings to close days/events from Back-Office”

Now when you create a user as an Agent, you can give or remove permission to add reservations on closed days / events.

Application form for help / or improvements

Now from the TuriTop control panel, you can contact support, and send request for any improvement you like. You need to click on the “More” tab, choose the option you want, fill in the form and send your request. You can also click on the Help button to enter the Support center, where you will find all the TuriTop tutorials.

Booking tab filter

We have optimized the load of the bookings and therefore we have erased the filter by date of Event that showed only some bookings.

Now the date of the previous day will not appear, the filters will be empty and the bookings will be displayed in order.

Support for partial payment in Open tickets

Now you can apply a deposit / partial payment to the open services.

Small changes and fixes

  • Some small bug fixes
  • Some small changes on the daily Widget ( speed, functionality…)

Do you have any improvement suggestions for us? Get in contact with us at

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