Booking payment requests by Email

Easily convert Calls / Whatsapps / Emails asking for availability in Sales

Do you usually receive calls / Emails from customers asking about your availability? Would you like to take advantage of that to close a sale and take the payment for it?
If you answered yes to both questions, you are very interested in the following feature developed by TuriTop.

How does it work?

You receive a call / Email
Client asks for information about your product / service and asks about your availability.

Insert the Booking in TuriTop
Take advantage of this enquiry and insert the booking in your back-office and send an Email asking for a payment.

Payment Request by Email
Your customer will immediately receive an Email with a summary of the purchase and a “Pay Booking” button that will take him to your payment gateway. Your customer will have 48 hours in order to pay or the booking will be automatically deleted freeing the seats.

Customer pays the Booking
Once paid, your Customer will receive a Confirmation Email / Booking and you will be notified that the booking has been paid.

So easy and simple!

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